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Home / Tack Care / Leather Conditioner - Lexol - 16.9oz (500ml)

Leather Conditioner - Lexol - 16.9oz (500ml)

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Lexol protects old and new leather from cracking and premature aging by providing the lubrication necessary to keep it strong and supple. It is made with the finest tanning oils which are emulsified into microscopic droplets. These oil droplets bond to the leather fibers, nourishing the leather and leaving no greasy residue. Use Lexol regularly to keep your leather looking and performing its best.


Softens Leather
Prevents Cracking
Preserves, strengthens and beautifies all your leather including: Auto Upholstery, Saddlery, Boots, Briefcases, Luggage, Sports Equipment, Shoes, Furniture and Handbags

Item Specifications:

Directions for Use:
Shake well.
If leather is dirty, clean it first with Lexol pH Leather Cleaner. Then apply Lexol onto leather and promptly spread with a cloth or applicator sponge to cover entire area. After a few minutes, wipe off excess and buff with a soft, dry cloth.
For delicate leather, test Lexol on a hidden area. Lexol may slightly darken light colored leathers.
Not recommended for suede or glove soft leather.

Lexol Leather Conditioner Lexol Conditioner is a liquid conditioner and preservative intended for use in the care and conservation of leather. It works to preserve and maintain the strength, beauty and flexibility of leather -- old and new -- and to help restore resiliency to old or neglected leather that has become hardened and stiff.

Product Characteristics: Lexol Conditioner is an emulsion much like those used in leather tanning so it puts back the essential oils to nourish and protect leather. It is concentrated, so it cleans effectively with a considerably smaller quantity of product. The modified oils in Lexol Conditioner are retained in the area of application to protect against migration, or seepage, into adjacent materials or surfaces